Topic: An End-of-Life Doula's Role in Improving Quality of Life at the End of Life
70% of Americans prefer to die at home* and are surprised that hospice is not a 24/7 presence. Because of this, many families are unprepared for the commitment that caregiving requires so that their loved one may have their wish. End of Life (EOL) Doulas can fill this gap by offering companionship, education, and advocacy to dying individuals and their caregivers. The focus is on holistic, non-medical support, and we do not and cannot give medical advice or provide medical care. We can, however, assist with life review, legacy projects, advance planning, and early grief support. Having an EOL Doula on the care team changes the experience from fearful and uncertain to intentional and fulfilling. We focus not on the quantity of life but on the quality of it.
*Kaiser Family Foundation, 2016
Speaker: Beth Wise, End of Life Doula. Owner of Compassionate Transitions
Having been profoundly affected by accompanying her mother and uncle on their end-of-life journeys, Beth Wise, end-of-life doula and owner of Compassionate Transitions, recognized the need for additional support resources for those facing death and their caregivers. In 2022, Beth completed her end-of-life doula training with the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA), the largest and most recognized training organization in the field. Currently, she is pursuing her Master's in Thanatology through Marian University to facilitate open discussions about end-of-life concerns and remove the stigma surrounding death.
By providing holistic comfort measures, compassionate education, and advocacy for her clients, Beth Wise serves as a unique guide in helping those at the end of life achieve a peaceful death.
Remote attendance only.
CLE credit has been applied for this session.
Please RSVP by September 10, 2024.
Sponsored by: Probate & Tax Sectional
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